Quian Quian and Zahir

Qian Qian works as a cos­met­ics sales­per­son. She is a very easy go­ing and open mind­ed girl who loves to trav­el.

Za­hir is from Viet­nam where he works as a sailor. He said he nev­er thought that he would find a girl­friend out­side of his own coun­try but it turns out life can be amaz­ing.

They got to know each other on the dat­ing site where they con­tact­ed each other ev­ery day. They told us that nei­ther of them came from a rich fam­i­ly and be­cause exchang­ing let­ters is ex­pen­sive, they just wrote a very long let­ter to each other ev­ery day in­stead of lots of short let­ters. Af­ter a few months of cor­re­spon­dence, they de­cid­ed to meet. Za­hir in­vit­ed Qian Qian to trav­el to his coun­try and he paid for her tick­ets.

This is a pho­to tak­en af­ter Qian Qian ar­rived in Viet­nam and they met for the first time. They were both very hap­py to be dat­ing each other in re­al life. Qian Qian likes Viet­nam very much and would love to spend the rest of her life there.

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