Kang and Jack

Kang is from Chang­sha where she works at a school as an En­glish teach­er. She has told us that she comes from an or­d­i­nary fam­i­ly and that her par­ents are very tra­di­tio­n­al.

Jack is from Ca­na­da and he joined the dat­ing site be­cause he likes Chi­nese cul­ture and Chi­nese ladies be­cause he be­lieves they are very tra­di­tio­n­al and fam­i­ly ori­ent­ed. He has been mar­ried twice be­fore but he says that if he ev­er mar­ries again it will be to a Chi­nese lady.

Kang and Jack got to know each other on the dat­ing site where at first they wrote and chatt­ed to each other. They al­so exchanged con­tact in­for­ma­tion and, af­ter few months of cor­re­spon­dence, Jack said he would go to Chi­na to meet Kang but she was wor­ried about the meet­ing. She felt she was not yet ready to meet him and Jack thought she was be­ing un­truth­ful with him so they stopped mak­ing con­tact. But, af­ter a week, Kang was mis­er­able not hear­ing Jack’s news ev­ery day be­cause he had been such a big part of her life so in the end they de­cid­ed to meet. Now they have met in re­al life, they ad­mit there are still some dif­fi­cul­ties for them but their love will make them stronger and they will face ev­ery problem to­gether.

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