Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

Ta­tia­na joined the site not know­ing it would lead her to Emanuel, but their con­nec­tion quick­ly grew as they chatt­ed on­line, and soon they met in Mal­ta. Now, she can't imagine life with­out him!

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An­na nev­er ex­pect­ed to find love on­line, but from the first "hi," she knew Pawel was spe­cial. Now, they’re hap­pi­ly mar­ried with a son and a life­time of dreams ahead.

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Iry­na did­n’t ex­pect much from on­line dat­ing, but af­ter just 24 hours of chatt­ing with David, they met in Kyiv that same even­ing, and their date was a pleas­ant sur­prise!

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Na­tasha met John on the site, and their first date was un­for­gettable. De­spite John leav­ing for Thai­land, they’re excit­ed to stay in touch and hope for a spe­cial fu­ture to­gether.

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In 2019, Ok­sa­na set out to find some­one spe­cial. When she met Jay, ev­ery­thing clicked. The pan­dem­ic kept them apart, but they stayed strong. Fi­nal­ly meet­ing in per­son con­firmed they’re ready to build a fu­ture to­gether.

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Ole­na found love on­line with Mark, and they quick­ly got mar­ried. Now, they dream of start­ing a fam­i­ly to­gether. They were meant to find each other!

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Dia­na from Ukraine found her soul­mate, Meh­met, on­line. As mu­si­cians, they share love and hap­pi­ness. She be­lieves any­one can find joy by fol­low­ing their heart!

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Ok­sa­na did­n’t be­lieve in on­line con­nec­tions un­til she met Har­ry. Their two days in Kyiv were filled with joy, and now she feels hope­ful about their fu­ture to­gether.

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Ma­ri­na joined the site hop­ing for con­nec­tion and found it with Kel­ly. A sim­ple mes­sage led to a joy­ful first date filled with great con­ver­sa­tions. Now, she’s excit­ed for what’s to come.

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Daria joined the site and con­nect­ed with Kalev, who in­vit­ed her on a ro­man­tic bike ride. Their date in­clud­ed a love­ly walk af­ter din­n­er and left her in­spired by the ex­pe­ri­ence.

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An­na was ready to find some­one spe­cial, so she tried on­line dat­ing. Af­ter meet­ing Jo­nathan, they had their first date in New York, and now she feels he could be the man she’s been search­ing for.

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Ju­lia nev­er gave up on love and fi­nal­ly met Karol who proved that re­al feel­ings have no bar­ri­ers. Their con­nec­tion grew stronger af­ter meet­ing, show­ing that mir­a­cles hap­pen when you don’t lose hope.

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