Derrick and Anna

I’m a Ukrai­nian girl and one day when I was on­line I saw a very at­trac­tive man. To my sur­prise, when we got in touch with each other we quick­ly found a com­mon lan­guage. I re­alised he was just crazy about me and that I felt the same too. So we de­cid­ed to meet!

I in­vit­ed him to vis­it me and I was so excit­ed about our first meet­ing! I was amazed by him and our first date was per­fect then we spent an amaz­ing week to­gether in my na­tive town. I liked ev­ery­thing about him! We made each other smile and laugh all the time. I liked his sense of hu­mour very much! The thought of him still makes me smile. Ev­ery­thing was per­fect be­cause we were to­gether. Dis­tance doesn’t mat­ter when two peo­ple like each other so much and are willing to do what it takes to be to­gether again. Do you agree with me??


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