Richard and Yu Mei

Yu Mei, 46, lives in Foshan, Guang­­dong province and runs her own cloth­ing store. The monotony of her dai­­ly work made her feel very tired but af­ter work she had no one around to be with fol­low­ing her di­vorce four years ago. Her chil­­dren worked in other ci­ties to earn mon­ey and her friends all had their own fam­i­lies to take care of. Look­ing at her friends with their fam­i­lies, Yu Mei re­al­ized that it was time to find some­one for her to be with.

She came across the dat­ing site and within min­utes Richard be­­gan talk­ing to her. Richard, who lives in New York, USA, was fas­­ci­­nat­ed by Yu Mei's pro­­file on the we­b­site. He wrote to Yu Mei al­­most ev­ery day, send­ing out chat in­­vi­­ta­­tions. At first, Yu Mei didn’t of­ten write back to Richard be­­cause of her poor En­glish but Richard did not give up and in­­­sist­ed on car­ry­ing on talk­ing to Yu Mei. Gra­d­u­al­­ly, Yu Mei was moved by Richard's per­­sis­­tence and be­­gan to write back to him more of­ten. She used dic­­tio­­naries, mo­­bile apps and so on to learn En­glish and Richard al­­so start­ed to learn Chi­­nese for Yu Mei. Richard told us that learn­ing Chi­­nese is hard but that he is willing to try hard for the one he loves.

Even­­tu­al­­ly they estab­lished a very sta­ble re­la­­tion­­ship and last month Richard flew to Chi­­na to meet his sweet­­­heart. Both Yu Mei and Richard were very hap­py to see each other. Al­though their lan­guage com­­mu­ni­­ca­­tion is still a lit­­tle dif­­fi­cult, their willing­­ness to work hard to re­­solve that and to change for each other is very touch­ing, isn't it?

May their love last for­ev­er.

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