Elvira and Mahmoud

Hel­lo! I would like to tell you about my ex­pe­ri­ence us­ing this dat­ing site.

Af­ter a few months of cor­re­spon­dence here on the site gett­ing to know each other on­line, he said he was ready to vis­it me. He asked me if it would be pos­si­ble for us to meet up and spend a week­end to­gether. We planned our first date and I was so hap­py!

Then, in just a few days he was here and as soon as he ar­rived he sent me a text ask­ing if I was free that even­ing. I in­vit­ed him to the lo­cal res­tau­rant and I or­ganized a ro­man­tic din­n­er for us!

Since I was su­per anxious to meet him, I wore my best dress! I saw that spe­cial fire in his eyes... and that was the best com­pli­ment for me! We talked for hours! I did not want to let him go! He seemed to be a man from my very sweet­est dreams!

I know I was tak­ing a huge risk in meet­ing some­one in per­son who I had first met on­line but our first date went so well and end­ed just af­ter mid­night.

I hope we will have lots of ro­man­tic dates in the fu­ture. Wish us good luck!


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