Tim and Gui

Tim is from Amer­i­ca but both his par­ents come from Chi­na. They emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca for­ty years ago and ev­ery year they go back to vis­it Chi­na to see their rel­a­tives. Tim is now work­ing for a trad­ing com­pany and he lives and works in both and Chi­na and Amer­i­ca.

Gui orig­i­nal­ly came from Hu­nan province but she now lives in Shen­zhen where she al­so works for a trad­ing com­pany. Her ma­jor was busi­ness En­glish.

Tim and Gui got to know each other on a dating website. And right from the very start, Tim want­ed to date Gui but she felt it would be dif­fi­cult to main­tain a re­la­tion­ship when they lived in dif­fer­ent places and was al­so wor­ried about what her par­ents would think.

But Tim was so very in­ter­est­ed in Gui that he tried ev­ery way pos­si­ble to keep in con­tact with her. When­ev­er he was free, he visit­ed Gui and he told her that, just for her, he would stay in Chi­na and live in the same place as she did.

Fi­nal­ly Gui re­alised that Tim was se­ri­ous about her and now they are mar­ried and liv­ing a won­der­ful­ly hap­py life to­gether do­ing things they like to do, like trav­elling the world and see­ing many new places.

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