Jimmy and Hong Wen

Hong Wen is a 42-year-old tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Shi­ji­azhuang, He­bei province. Three years ago, she di­vorced her hus­band of 13 years and then came across Jim­my on the dat­ing site. Jim­my is a 47-year-old Sin­ga­pore­an and, be­cause he al­so spoke Chi­nese, there was no bar­ri­er to their com­mu­ni­ca­tions.

They were at­tract­ed to each other and of­ten chatt­ed on the web­site and wrote each other let­ters. Jim­my likes gen­tle, fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed wo­m­en and Hong Wen just hap­pened to be ex­act­ly that type of wo­m­an. Hong Wen pre­fers men who are re­spon­si­ble and can of­fer her a sense of se­cu­ri­ty and Jim­my is ex­act­ly that type of man. In Jim­my, her wish came true be­cause he treat­ed her well and made her feel very safe. For Jim­my, with Hong Wen, he felt warmth he had nev­er ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore.

As they chatt­ed they dis­cov­ered they had many com­mon in­ter­ests, in­clud­ing trav­el­ing. Hong Wen told us that she likes to trav­el with the peo­ple she loves and see the beau­ti­ful scen­ery of lots of dif­fer­ent places. Af­ter chatt­ing for six months or so, Jim­my and Hong Wen fi­nal­ly met face to face. Hong Wen's younger sis­ter al­so fol­lowed her to the air­port to meet Jim­my. They both felt that he had se­ri­ous in­ten­tions which on­ly con­vinced Hong Wen of the love they felt for each other. They de­cid­ed to get mar­ried and, short­ly af­ter that, they walked down the aisle to­gether.

“A lot of peo­ple say mar­ri­age is the tomb of love, but I don't think so” Jim­my said when he thanked the web­site for al­low­ing him to meet and fall in love with Hong Wen who add­ed, "Jim­my is com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent from my ex-hus­band. He is very re­spon­si­ble."

Let's wish them a hap­py life to­gether.

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