Thompson and Tong

Tong, 42, lived in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Chi­na. She had nev­er mar­ried be­cause of her busy work life. She worked as a head nurse in a hos­pi­tal and took care of pa­tients so well that she had no time to make friends. Her col­leagues suggest­ed that she might make friends on­line so she signed up to the dat­ing site.

Sure enough, she found Thomp­son there. Thomp­son was a 63-year-old Malaysian who, like Tong, was still sin­gle be­cause he was so busy with his work. The two of them found that they had a lot in com­mon ground writ­ing to each other through the web­site. They were both sym­pa­thet­ic and shared their feel­ings for each other. Since Thomp­son spoke Chi­nese they had no trou­ble com­mu­ni­cat­ing and they wrote let­ters and chatt­ed al­most ev­ery day when they had the time to spare. Thomp­son al­ways want­ed to meet Tong but they could not ar­range this straight away be­cause of their work sche­d­ules.

Two years lat­er, when Tong had tak­en care of work, she went to Malaysia to meet Thomp­son who was very hap­py to see her. They had both found their soul mates. Now Tong lives in Malaysia with Thomp­son and they are very hap­py to­gether.

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