Larisa and Mayer

It was a great idea to reg­is­ter on this site! Al­though I like to com­mu­ni­cate and meet new peo­ple, I have to ad­mit my num­ber one goal was to meet my soul­mate. I was so excit­ed when I found my per­fect man here... and I found him quite quick­ly.

I couldn't wait to meet him in per­son and so we planned to meet in my hometown where he wait­ed for me in the lo­cal cof­fee shop. As soon as I walked in and I set eyes on him I felt but­ter­flies in my heart. The first thing I no­ticed were the most beau­ti­ful eyes I had ev­er seen. I smiled at him and in that same mo­ment I felt this spe­cial chem­istry be­tween us. In­stead of sitt­ing in the cof­fee shop all day, I in­vit­ed him to din­n­er. We made our way to the lo­cal Ukrai­nian tra­di­tio­n­al res­tau­rant where we en­joyed our time to­gether and the re­al­ly tas­ty food.

I knew I could be my­self around him. It was an amaz­ing feel­ing! I wait­ed for our first kiss… and then I felt that I could kiss him all night! To be hon­est I fell head over heels for him. I loved ev­ery sin­gle thing about him!

It was a per­fect first date! And now I dream about a per­fect life-long re­la­tion­ship with him.


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