Alina and Doyan

In Fe­bruary I met my man on this site, his name is Doy­an. I re­mem­ber my feel­ings back then very well. I dreamed about him day and night, I was so in love but, at the same time, I was very fright­ened be­cause we lived in dif­fer­ent coun­tries and per­haps we would nev­er meet in re­al life. We cor­re­spond­ed and had video chats, which made me feel se­cure and I gained con­fi­dence and calm­ness.

Doy­an in­vit­ed me to vis­it him in his coun­try but I doubt­ed if I would be able to or even if I was ready to do that but he be­haved like a true kind gentle­man. He found out when I was holi­day from uni­ver­si­ty and sent me plane tick­ets for the trip. He said that I could de­cide what I want­ed to do for my­self and he wouldn’t pres­sure me in­to mak­ing a de­ci­sion – I could do what­ev­er I want­ed. Of course I want­ed to fly to be with him and I was amazed by this won­der­ful­ly ro­man­tic act! I de­cid­ed to place my trust in fate and with­out any doubts at all flew to my fu­ture.

So, in May, I ar­rived in Chi­na and went to Doy­an’s home town – Dalian. Doy­an had planned a fan­tas­tic tourist route for me. He showed me all the sights of his town, we ate tra­di­tio­n­al dish­es at the cafes and we spent a great time to­gether. When I tried Chi­nese food, Doy­an watched me, wait­ing for my re­ac­tion. That was very fun­ny! A lit­tle lat­er I sur­prised him too and cooked the na­tio­n­al dish­es of my own coun­try for him – then it was my turn to watch and wait for his re­ac­tion! To my re­lief, he liked my cook­ing.

Doy­an had ar­ranged a ho­tel room for me so I stayed there but he al­so took care of all the ex­pens­es and or­gani­za­tio­n­al mat­ters him­self. I was so grate­ful to him, that’s how a re­al strong man be­haves. I had noth­ing to wor­ry about and I could fo­cus on gett­ing to know him. We didn’t want to part, so we de­cid­ed that I would stay in Chi­na all sum­mer. I spent 4 months there which had a great in­flu­ence on our re­la­tion­ships. We saw how we each be­haved in ev­ery­day life, what we were like when we had to work, to meet other peo­ple, even when we were ill or in a bad mood. I think it helps to get to know your beloved bet­ter and this proves if your feel­ings are re­al or if it’s just a love af­fair that won’t last very long. In our case – it’s love! I want to care for him, to be with him, to share my feel­ings and emo­tions with him.

We found out that we had the same in­ter­ests – we both want to trav­el around the world, to ex­plore new places and coun­tries and that’s what we are do­ing now to­gether. We haven’t de­cid­ed yet which coun­try we want to live in, but we have all the time in the world to do that. I love this man and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. At first I wor­ried that we would have problems in un­der­s­tand­ing each other due to the fact that we grew up at dif­fer­ent coun­tries and we have a dif­fer­ent men­tal­i­ty and cul­tu­r­al back­ground but now I see that when peo­ple want to be to­gether they can solve any problem and ac­cept each other for who they are. I’m so hap­py that I’m in love with this won­der­ful man. I hope that ev­ery­one will meet their soul­mate and ex­pe­ri­ence this un­be­liev­able feel­ing!


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