Mike and Yan Xin

Mike is a typ­i­cal Amer­i­can man who worked hard and made mon­ey but he had still nev­er been mar­ried. He is now 62 years old and felt very lone­ly ev­ery day at home, so he signed up to the dat­ing site.

One af­ter­noon, he opened the dat­ing site and saw Yan Xin’s pic­ture, so he took the ini­tia­tive to say hel­lo to her. Yan Xin, 43, lives in Qing­dao, Shan­dong province in Chi­na. At first she didn't take Mike's ap­proach se­ri­ous­ly, af­ter all he was 19 years old­er than her. But Mike's per­sis­tence im­pressed her so, al­though Yan Xin's En­glish was not very good, she tried to re­p­ly to his let­ter us­ing trans­la­tion soft­ware to com­mu­ni­cate.

Exchang­ing dozens of let­ters helped them get to know each other bet­ter and gra­d­u­al­ly Yan Xin re­al­ized that nei­ther age nor na­tio­n­al­i­ty were is­sues in the face of love. She and Mike be­came very close and they re­al­ized that they had a sur­pris­ing num­ber of in­ter­ests in com­mon.

Af­ter a year and a half of exchang­ing let­ters, Mike de­cid­ed to trav­el to Chi­na to vis­it the wo­m­an he had come to love.

When they met, they hugged each other with great joy and emo­tion. Now they live in Yan Xin's home and are so very hap­py to­gether.

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