Richard and Ping
Ping is 53 years old. She is a business woman from China who never thought she would find someone to love until the moment she met Richard.
Richard lives in Hong Kong now and has a ten year old son. He was searching for a lady from China because he loves Chinese women and Chinese culture.
Ping and Richard met through the dating site and the agency organized for them to meet each other. When Richard visited Ping in China he took his son with him and the three of them had lots of things to talk about together.
After their first meeting Richard decided to stay in China for a while and Ping arranged for them to travel around China for a month. During that time they discovered they had so many things in common and decided they wanted to be together forever.
So, Richard invited Ping to live with him in Hong Kong and his little boy likes her very much. They still travel as much as they can.
Richard and Ping told us that you must never give up searching for love because it could happen tomorrow. Have faith in love and in life.