Anna and Lorenzo

Have a seat. :) Com­fort­able? Good, let me tell you our sto­ry. I am a girl who wants to give all her af­fec­tion to on­ly one man so one day I de­cid­ed to try to find my love, my destiny, abroad. Why not? And now I want to tell you what a great idea that was! I met the of man my dreams on­line! I fell in love and de­cid­ed to do ev­ery­thing pos­si­ble to win his heart! I want­ed to share ev­ery mo­ment of my life with my vir­tu­al boyfriend... that’s why I asked him to come to vis­it! I had some­thing spe­cial to give to him and on­ly him! Oh, we spent the most ro­man­tic week of my life! Walks, kiss­es, warm hugs and lots of laugh­ter! It was the start of some­thing big and tru­ly amaz­ing! We com­plet­ed each other, we made each other whole. We are so close, some­times I think he can read my thoughts… and I hope I will be able to make all his dreams come true!

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