Bryan and Marina

Hi my name is Bryan and I am from Dal­las in the USA. I met Ma­ri­na on this site. She is a cos­me­tol­o­gist and such an in­ter­est­ing wo­m­an. We have so much in com­mon! We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tion sev­er­al months ago and im­me­di­ate­ly re­al­ized that there was chem­istry be­tween us – we like the same things, we have many in­ter­ests and hob­bies in com­mon. We like to dis­cuss top­ics in depth and we un­der­s­tand each other… there is a very strong con­nec­tion that we both feel!

I was very hap­py to meet Ma­ri­na on the site and then even­tu­al­ly to meet her in re­al life. I was so excit­ed about it that I couldn’t sleep prop­er­ly. The meet­ing was won­der­ful, thanks to the beau­ti­ful lo­ca­tion. I was so glad to meet such a de­light­ful and beau­ti­ful, smart wo­m­an. We walked a lot, talked a lot, dis­cussed so many top­ics and it seemed to me that we had known each other for ages… I was pleased to learn about Ukrai­nian tra­di­tions and holi­days and to tell Ma­ri­na about the tra­di­tions and holi­days and about other many things in my own coun­try. It was a great time and I felt re­al­ly very pos­i­tive emo­tions.

So I have found that it is ac­tu­al­ly pos­si­ble to meet a lady through this site. It was a very pleas­ant and exc­it­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. I will re­mem­ber this trip for a long time and will talk about it with a smile on my face. I am so glad that I went and spent so many hap­py hours with such a love­ly lady. We just en­joyed our time to­gether very much! I feel that she might just be the one…

I wish good luck to ev­ery­body. When you re­al­ly want some­thing, it will hap­pen to you!


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