William and Xiuwen

Wil­li­am and Xi­uwen met each other on our we­b­site.

Wil­li­am is 50 years old and he owned an Amer­i­­can fast food res­­tau­rant. His busi­­ness was very suc­cess­­ful but, af­ter he suf­fered a heart at­­tack, he de­­cid­ed to re­tire and en­joy the rest of his life. Wil­li­am said that when they got to know each other, he dis­­­cov­­ered he had a lot of things in com­­mon with Xi­uwen. Even though he did not un­der­s­­tand Chi­­nese, he picked it up re­al­­ly quick­­­ly and now he speaks the lan­guage flu­en­t­­ly. He told us that the thoughts about Xi­uwen helped him learn Chi­­nese a lot.

As for Xi­uwen, she was a res­­tau­rant ma­n­ag­er for many years but al­­so had some health is­­sues. She said she and Wil­li­am un­der­s­­tand each other so well be­­cause they both came un­der the pres­­sure of run­n­ing a res­­tau­rant and so both suf­fered from stress that was brought to their lives. She told us that Wil­li­am and she have promised to stay well for each other and al­ways have a healthy at­ti­­tude to life.

Now they’re hap­pi­­ly mar­ried. We tru­­ly hope they lead a healthy and won­der­­ful life to­gether.

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