Samuel and Xiulan

Sa­muel and Xi­u­lan Wang met each other on the web­site.

Sa­muel is a pho­to­g­ra­pher and he en­joys trav­el­ing around the world a lot. He said he had seen so much beau­ti­ful scen­ery but noth­ing com­pared with Xi­u­lan. He used to be a shy per­son but now love has re­al­ly changed him. He said Xi­u­lan learned En­glish so quick­ly that it re­al­ly sur­prised him. He tru­ly ap­pre­ci­ates this gor­geous lady and couldn’t ask for more.

Xi­u­lan was a mod­el when she was younger but she gave up her ca­reer for her fam­i­ly. Af­ter her ex-hus­band left, she nev­er made any at­tempt to meet any­body else un­til Sa­muel came along. She said Sam makes her feel re­al­ly spe­cial and helps her to feel young again.

Now Xi­u­lan has moved to Amer­i­ca to be with Sam and they have a won­der­ful life to­gether. We’re re­al­ly hap­py for them and wish them all the very best.

[ 0.0218 ]