Ben and Xi

To­day I would like to share our sto­ry with you.

My name is Xi and I come from Chi­na which is a very nice coun­try. The man I met is called Ben and he is from France. Now he is my fiancé and soon I will go to France to live with him.

We met each other on the dat­ing site. At the very be­gin­n­ing, I did not trust this site and to be hon­est I did not even trust Ben. He lived in another coun­try, a long way away, and I am from a very tra­di­tio­n­al coun­try but he kept chatt­ing to me and, more im­por­tant­ly, he al­so kept writ­ing to me.

Ben is a very charm­ing and at­trac­tive man who is al­so re­al­ly kind. Af­ter we had com­mu­ni­cat­ed for three months, he came to Chi­na to meet me. I was moved that he was pre­pared to do that for our re­la­tion­ship. While he was in Chi­na, he spent ev­ery minute of his time with me. He is very thought­ful and, be­fore he left Chi­na, I had made up my mind that I want­ed to be with him.

He asked me to learn French here in Chi­na and told me that when he was able to, he would come back to Chi­na to vis­it me again and now we are en­gaged to each other. I will go to France to be with Ben soon.

I hope that you can all find the right man for you here too. Good luck to all the ladies on this site!

I think that we should all be­lieve in fate and do not he­s­i­tate to open our hearts to love.


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