Richard and Natalia

Hey. My name is Na­talia and I want to share my sto­ry with you. I be­lieve that for any wo­m­an it is very im­por­tant to meet a man who will treat her like a true lady. This is not enough for wo­m­en liv­ing in Ukraine! Ev­ery wo­m­an who ap­plies to the agen­cy wants to meet a man with whom she can go hand in hand in­to the fu­ture, feel sup­port­ed and for them to hap­pi­ly spend the rest of their days to­gether!

I'm con­vinced that mar­ri­ages are made in heav­en!

I re­ceived let­ters from many men but none of them aroused any spe­cial in­ter­est and I could find no one who might be­come my soul­mate. I had no par­tic­u­lar cri­te­ria. I was look­ing for my spe­cial man and I knew that I would rec­og­nize him by his eyes, his smile and in his con­nec­tion with me!

I will nev­er for­get the day when I met Richard. We just start­ed talk­ing and I im­me­di­ate­ly felt very close to him. I be­lieved that we could be­come re­al­ly spe­cial peo­ple to each other. When we met, it was enchant­ing! They were the best days of my life.

But peo­ple can fre­quent­ly be wrong and wo­m­en make mis­takes more of­ten than most.

Ev­ery sto­ry sad­ly some­times has a harsh re­al­i­ty and Richard and I had to part. I still be­lieve in mir­a­cles though and that one day I will meet my one and on­ly, my re­li­able and faith­ful man.

I would like to re­c­om­mend that all sin­gle peo­ple use the ser­vices of agen­cies and dat­ing sites. Nev­er lose faith that your fu­ture part­n­er is right there wait­ing for you!


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