David and Oksana

For me, my good name and rep­u­ta­tion are the most im­por­tant things that I val­ue. I am se­ri­ous and hon­est and I have al­ways want­ed to find the same traits in my part­n­er for life. I was so lucky to find David through the In­ter­net!

It all start­ed on my birth­day when David just want­ed to wish me many hap­py things on my spe­cial day and then we spoke for hours. Soon our chats be­came an ev­ery­day thing.

Like most wo­m­en, I am not very pa­tient so we de­cid­ed to meet. I want­ed to show David my na­tive town and he liked my idea.

Look­ing back, I could say that this was the most ro­man­tic thing that had ev­er hap­pened in my life but at the time nei­ther of us were ready to define ex­act­ly what our re­la­tion­ship was so we spent his vis­it just “gett­ing to know each other”.

We found we had more in com­mon than we orig­i­nal­ly thought. We shared the same val­ues and in­tel­li­gence too - mine tends to­wards the more cre­a­tive, his is more prac­ti­cal.

When we were to­gether, we shone with excite­ment and felt the forces of fate. I felt this spe­cial con­nec­tion be­tween us... I liked this feel­ing of be­ing in love... and I hope to feel it again soon!


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