Juan and Alyona

Hel­lo. My name is Aly­o­na.

I have lived all my life in Ukraine and have not had very suc­cess­ful re­la­tion­ships in my own coun­try. But I am the hap­py mother of my lit­tle princess! And I want to give her the best. And the best thing for a child is a hap­py mother! Be­cause my per­so­n­al life in Ukraine has not worked out well, I de­cid­ed to look for my man in another coun­try and so I ap­plied to the mar­ri­age agen­cy to find my other half abroad.

I was look­ing for a man who is sin­cere, who loves chil­dren and who is ready to bear re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for his beloved wo­m­an and her small child, a man who is in­tel­li­gent, pa­tient, re­spon­si­ble!
Af­ter a long search, I met Juan. We talked a lot through cor­re­spon­dence and in video chat. We had com­mon in­ter­ests, the same out­look on life and I soon re­al­ized that Juan was the man I was look­ing for.

Juan came to my lit­tle town in Ukraine and we spent a per­fect week­end to­gether. He is won­der­ful.

I am sure ev­ery lady de­serves to meet that one, true, re­li­able and loy­al man who is right for her. And to ev­ery­one who us­es this ser­vice, I hope that you meet your other half in life, even if he is at the other side of the world!


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