Jake and Rebecca

Jake and Re­bec­ca saw each other on the web­site and now they’re dat­ing.

Jake is 56 years old and owns a mo­tor­cy­cle shop. He is a very con­fi­dent and bold per­son. When he saw Re­bec­ca’s pic­ture on our web­site, he knew that he must con­tact this gor­geous lady. And he did. He told us that he is now to­tal­ly be­sott­ed with Re­bec­ca and just can’t stop think­ing about her.

As for Re­bec­ca, she had been on our web­site for quite a long time but had nev­er met the right one un­til Jake. She says she likes bossy and con­fi­dent guys and Jake hap­pens to be like that. And Jake is re­al­ly tak­ing care of her even in Chi­na. She al­so told us that Jake’s Chi­nese is re­al­ly good now which makes her think Jake is very spe­cial in­deed.

We wish them love and joy to­gether and hope that one day they will get mar­ried.

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