Billy and Jane

Bil­ly saw Jane Wang on our dat­ing site.

Jane is 47 years old and be­fore she re­tired from work she was a sales ma­n­ag­er in Bei­jing. She joined our web­site a few months ago and met Bil­ly, the love of her life. At first she was not very con­fi­dent about com­mu­ni­cat­ing be­cause her En­glish was quite poor but since she has been talk­ing to Bil­ly a lot, her En­glish has im­proved very quick­ly.

Jane told us that the rea­son why she has picked up En­glish so fast is be­cause Bil­ly is such a fun­ny per­son that ev­ery time she talked to him he made her laugh. Even though Jane's En­glish is still not per­fect, Bil­ly is very pa­tient with her. Bil­ly used to own a car garage so they have lots of things in com­mon to talk about.

Bil­ly told us that his chil­dren live a long way away so he feels lone­ly a lot of the time. When he met Jane on the web­site, he felt his heart beat quick­en and af­ter they had talked for a while, he felt so much more con­nec­tion with Jane. He thinks she is the one and he even wants to learn Chi­nese and move to Chi­na to live with her in the near fu­ture.

We hope they can make each other’s lives per­fect and live hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter.

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