Onze Happy Matches

My life is amaz­ing now! It’s like a hon­ey­moon but it’s last­ing so much longer and it’s so won­der­ful! And my hus­band is the best man in the world. I found him through the in­ter­net and we met sev­er­al times in Ukraine…

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Jan and Juan meet on our site and soon they will be hap­pi­ly trav­elling around the world to­gether. Jan lives in Swe­den where he has a big fam­i­ly. He is now re­tired and ready to en­joy life with a wo­m­an. He had…

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I want to tell you about my meet­ing with a nice man I met through this site. He is from Ger­many and his name is Franz. We met in re­al life with­out hav­ing re­al­ly spo­ken very much on the site first. He had al­ways…

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My name is Daria. Hav­ing joined a mar­ri­age agen­cy, I be­lieved that I would find love, wher­ev­er it was. And in­deed that is what hap­pened. I met a man from Ca­na­da called Brett, we be­gan to cor­re­spond and we…

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Tom and Li met on our site and they plan to get mar­ried at the end of this year. Tom was born in­to a big fam­i­ly with 5 kids who his par­ents loved a lot. He is now the fa­ther of three kids him­self. He is a very…

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Na­­ta­­ly and Kar­ri met on our site three years ago. They com­­mu­ni­­cat­ed through let­ters and video chats for a year and al­though each time they saw each other on cam­era or wrote let­ters Na­­ta­­ly felt a strong con­nec­­tion to this man, they both de­­cid­ed to wait…

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Elvi­ra is so very hap­py that she met her love here that she wants ev­ery­one to know that there is noth­ing to be afraid of us­ing dat­ing sites – her ad­vice is to be brave and find your destiny!

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As a tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese lady, Hai­hua was a lit­tle ner­vous about look­ing for love out­side her na­tive coun­try but now she is so glad she was brave be­cause she and Robert, from Aus­tralia, are soon to be mar­ried.

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An­drew and Lili fell in love on our site and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly to­gether in Lon­don. An­drew is a sin­gle hard work­ing man from Lon­don with a big fam­i­ly of four kids and six grandchil­dren. He is a very…

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This is the sto­ry of our pure love. I have to tell you that I am the hap­pi­est per­son alive. This was one of the best things I have ev­er done in my life. First of all I want to say that I be­lieve in destiny. I got a let­ter and it was…

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Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age. Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many…

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I liked him from the first mo­ment when all I could see was his pho­to here. I had been alone for years and our meet­ing was a great chance to change ev­ery­thing in my life! I want­ed to find some­body who would…

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