Tom and Li

Tom and Li met on our site and they plan to get mar­ried at the end of this year.

Tom was born in­to a big fam­i­ly with 5 kids who his par­ents loved a lot. He is now the fa­ther of three kids him­self. He is a very hard work­ing man who loves life and his fam­i­ly. He got di­vorced be­cause his ex cheat­ed on him. When he joined our site, he saw Li and he fell in love with her at first sight.

They start­ed to chat and known each other for two years now. Li is the sun­shine of his life.

Li is a sin­gle mum from Bei­jing, Chi­na who is al­so di­vorced. She is very hap­py, ro­man­tic wo­m­an. She has many friends and they ad­vised her to find a good man from a for­eign coun­try which is why she joined our site where Tom grabbed her at­ten­tion. She re­al­ly loves Tom be­cause they have a lot in com­mon and they be­lieve they were born to be to­gether and are dee­p­ly in love. They have be­come each other’s light and hope.

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