Nataly and Karri

Na­­ta­­ly and Kar­ri met on our site three years ago. They com­­mu­ni­­cat­ed through let­ters and video chats for a year and al­though each time they saw each other on cam­era or wrote let­ters Na­­ta­­ly felt a strong con­nec­­tion to this man, they both de­­cid­ed to wait to meet un­til they had got to know each other bet­ter. They didn’t want to feel like strangers on their first date so for a whole year Kar­ri court­ed his lady and stayed pa­­tient.

Their fears were to­­tal­­ly un­jus­ti­­fied though. When they fi­­nal­­ly met in Ukraine, they felt the chem­istry be­tween them in­­s­­tan­t­­ly. The first date was even bet­ter than they could both ev­er have imagined and from the mo­­ment Kar­ri saw Na­­ta­­ly in Kre­­menchuck he knew that their feel­ings for each other were true. It was such a for­­tu­­nate mo­­ment for them both be­­cause they felt the con­nec­­tion be­tween their hearts and minds and re­al­ized that they were a prop­er cou­­ple!

They are both ma­­ture peo­­ple so they seemed to be such a per­­fect match and since that first meet­ing their re­la­­tion­­ship be­­gan to de­vel­op very quick­­­ly. Kar­ri de­­cid­ed not to wait for very long and straight af­ter his first trip to Ukraine he in­­vit­ed Na­­ta­­ly to spend a holi­­day to­gether. She agreed and they went to a ro­­man­tic va­­ca­­tion where they spent two weeks as a re­al cou­­ple in love. Their feel­ings grew stronger and stronger ev­ery day and they could not wait to see each other again and again.

The next time Ker­ri re­­turned to Ukraine, he in­­vit­ed Na­­ta­­ly to vis­it him in his coun­try so their fourth meet­ing was in Fin­­land where he in­­tro­­duced her to his fam­i­­ly and showed her his mother­­land. Na­­ta­­ly re­al­­ly liked it there so, af­ter that meet­ing, she got ready to move to Fin­­land. Now the hap­py cou­­ple have al­ready been to­gether for a year and are build­ing a new fam­i­­ly. Their love sto­ry is re­al proof that it’s pos­si­ble to find your se­­cond half at the other side of the world and build a suc­cess­­ful re­la­­tion­­ship de­spite the dis­­­tance. Dif­fer­­ences on­­ly make re­la­­tions more in­­ter­est­ing so nev­er be afraid to take a risk when it comes to search­ing for your love.

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