
Svet­la­na and Hans knew there was some­thing spe­cial be­tween them when they spent all night chatt­ing the very first time they met on­line. And they were right be­cause now they are mar­ried and bliss­ful­ly hap­py!


This is a true whirl­wind ro­mance be­cause just a month af­ter meet­ing on­line, Vla­da and Den­nis met each other in re­al life and knew they had each found some­one spe­cial and can­not wait to meet again as soon as the quar­an­tine and trav­el re­stric­tions have been lift­ed.


As soon as In­na joined the site, she and Ste­fan no­ticed each other al­most at the same time and it was not long be­fore they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life and en­joyed a ro­man­tic, fun and rather unu­su­al date!


When Lera met Fe­lix on their first ac­tu­al date, she com­plete­ly changed her mind about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a vir­tu­al re­la­tion­ship lead­ing to some­thing tru­ly spe­cial, and now what plans they have to­gether!


De­spite all the ob­s­ta­cles that the glob­al trav­el re­stric­tions put in their way, noth­ing could stop Brian and Ok­sa­na from fi­nal­ly meet­ing in per­son and re­al­iz­ing they had each found their other half. Now they will soon be mar­ried and noth­ing in the world will ev­er keep them apart.


James hoped to find a beau­ti­ful Colom­bian lady to share his life with a just as was about to give up hope of ev­er find­ing some­one, the agen­cy in­tro­duced him to Ta­tia­na and now they are mar­ried and ex­pect­ing their first child.


At first Larisa did not take the idea of meet­ing some­one on­line se­ri­ous­ly. Then she met May­er and af­ter a week of non-stop chat, they de­cid­ed to meet and dis­cov­ered that they re­al­ly were meant to be to­gether.


Na­talia was just about to give up on on­line dat­ing when she came across Phil’s pro­file and how things have moved on since then. Now they are both ea­ger­ly wait­ing to meet again and move on from their first date which end­ed with a kiss!


Ma­ri­na spent a lot of time dream­ing about how she and her per­fect man would spend time to­gether but now she does­n’t have to imagine this any­more – she has met that per­fect man for re­al!


How could Alio­na not ‘be hap­py’ with the date that Vi­dal and the web­site planned for their first meet­ing? They felt like movie stars on their very own film set – would the two ro­man­tic leads fall in love?


Like many peo­ple, Lera be­lieved it would be dif­fi­cult to find a per­fect match by us­ing a dat­ing site. But now that she and Yui have been to­gether for 2 years and are hap­pi­ly mar­ried, she is pleased to ad­mit she was very wrong!


When De­vid ar­ranged to meet Maria, lit­tle did she know that he and the peo­ple at Be Hap­py would be able to or­ganize such a won­der­ful­ly ro­man­tic and unique first date that re­al­ly did make her feel as if she had met her knight in shin­ing ar­mour.



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