Svetlana and Hans

Hello everyone! My name is Svetlana! Today I want to share my happiness with you! I want to tell you about my love story with Hans!

Everyone has a time in their life when they have no strength at all and they just want to run away from everyone and hide somewhere. And often, following this depressing feeling and with an inner loss of spirit, we simply live our lives in automatic mode. In such a state of exhaustion, our soul is closed to everything beautiful and new and in order to motivate such a person, to wake them up and return them to an active and fruitful life, in a certain sense an "Angel" is sent to them from Heaven. For me, that angel was my friend who simply made me register on this site! And this is where the miracles began! I immediately started to study men's profiles! As it turned out later, at the same time as me, Hans was in the same state of mind and he took the same actions that I did!

We literally 'collided' face to face in chat! It took us a few seconds to realize what was happening, to feel that we certainly needed to talk and get to know each other! Hans was so polite, kind and persistent that I just couldn't believe it!

How long do you think you can chat continuously with a person you have only just met? Believe it or not we talked all the way through from the evening to the following morning! And after sleeping for 2-3 hours, we were again stuck to our computer screens for almost another day! At the same time, Hans ordered a conversation by phone! Hearing each other's voices! Oh! This was something unreal! It was no cute chatter though, no... it was like a confession ... immediately with our souls, we communicated without fear, mutually opening every page of our life. It turned out we had a lot of parallels of thoughts, feelings, experiences, past events, plans and, of course, dreams and hopes! And it was as if we were both breathing deeply again, like drowning people who suddenly feel the support of a life ring under their arms. After a month of such communication, it was difficult for us to imagine life without each other!

And then one day Hans said - “tomorrow is the weekend! Let's meet in Kiev!” I could not reject such an offer - it seemed that it wouldn't be a date, but a continuation of the conversation, only this time not by phone. And I became curious, and excited - not only would that darling voice be near, but also its entire owner! What if something went wrong? I decided not to go out in smart clothes but in a comfortable outfit. When all your innermost self is already open to meet a person, what do clothes matter?

We met the next day at a nice cafe. The meeting itself was so romantic and I felt as though we had known each other all our lives! “It's very easy for me to be with you,” I wrote to him after that meeting. Time went on ... Hans, without unnecessary fuss, managed to solve all my unsolvable problems while remaining attentive, courteous and kind. He did not take on all this burden to make himself a hero... No, the goal was not to prove something to me. Hans genuinely wanted to help, like a friend, like a gentleman. And I could not believe it all, in fact, no one could one believe it and although all my acquaintances who knew about him admired both his gentlemanliness and decency, they said, “you cannot find such men today - they died out with the dinosaurs”.

After our date and spending two days together, we were never parted! Hans began to come to Kiev to meet me regularly …. then we went on holiday together …. then we went to live together in Germany …. so a year quickly passed! We had always thought about getting married! And then one day we seemed to accidentally find ourselves in a jewelry store. And Hans proposed to me! I was so happy! Of course, I could not refuse! Our wedding ceremony was in Kiev and soon after the ceremony we boarded a plane and went on honeymoon!

As I  end my story, I want to thank the site administration and my local agency for the professionally performed work! The organization of the meeting, the accompaniment at the meeting, the help of an interpreter - everything was done brilliantly! We were surrounded by care and support! I recommend everyone to trust this team of professionals! Dear friends, I want to say - do not hesitate and do not postpone your registration on the site! Perhaps, as in my case, your love has already simultaneously pressed the registration button and is now looking for you! Hurry up and meet your love! 



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