Victoria and Heinrich

Good afternoon dear friends!

It's so nice that there is an opportunity like this to share your dating story on this website! I absolutely did not believe that it was possible to find such a wonderful person as Heinrich on the Internet. I always prefer live communication, so the "meeting" with Heinrich happened by complete accident for me. On that day, I returned home late from work, I did not feel like going to sleep so I decided to "browse" to find someone to talk to online. I went to this website. It turned out that at that time of night it was not busy at all. I was about to log out of the account when a message came from Heinrich. I don’t remember exactly what he wrote but just a couple of minutes later it seemed to me that I had known this man for a thousand years! After that, we talked every day! After a week of communication, Heinrich ordered a phone call from the site administration! After the very first sentence I spoke, he said: "You have such a nice voice … You will definitely be mine." Everything worked out for us all at once after that first phone call. I could not even believe that it was for real. And then after a month, we started planning to meet in real life! Wow! It was so exciting! And I want to give credit and thank the site administration and my local agency for their support! Everything was organized at the highest level! Heinrich and I felt that we were so special! All the details were well thought out! Our wishes were taken into account! We just enjoyed our date! I also want to thank our translator! Thank you for your work!

We met with Heinrich in a small and cozy cafe in the center of Kiev. I will not pretend, from the very first moments, even on the site, I liked the photo of Heinrich. He looked very lively and real. You know, then I had even more of a surprise: in real life, he turned out to be exactly the same as in the photo, but better!

We had a wonderful weekend! I will forever remember our very entertaining walk around Kiev! We had fun and laughed like children! With him I felt 10 years younger!

But the time to part came... Heinrich had to get back to work. I understand that just two days is not enough to be sure that we will build a serious relationship. And Heinrich was frank and said that he still had communication with other women. It's okay! We are both looking!

We exchanged phone numbers and continued communication. Let's see what the future holds.

Dear friends! I got the most enjoyable and most positive impressions from communication on this site! I can definitely say that this resource was created so that we could find love! Now it's up to you! Act! Register and go forward to your love and happiness!



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