Nos matchs heureux

Af­ter years of lone­li­ness, Ele­na de­s­paired of find­ing hap­pi­ness but then she met Dario, her Italian knight in shin­ing ar­mor, and to­gether they have rid­den hap­pi­ly off in­to the sunset, just like a fairy­tale.

Lire la suite

Al­though Iri­na had many ad­mir­ers on the site, it was Jorg who im­me­di­ate­ly cap­ti­vat­ed her and now she knows she chose the right man be­cause they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried!

Lire la suite

De­spite many years of search­ing, Va­leriya had still not found her soul­mate in the ci­ty where she lived but then one day she found David and now they are plan­n­ing a fu­ture to­gether in the USA.

Lire la suite

Even though Ilo­na and Ray had on­ly exchanged a few sen­tences on­line when they met in re­al life, it turned out to be a re­al fairy tale for them both and they wished their days to­gether would nev­er end.

Lire la suite

This great love sto­ry be­gan with just one chat here and now Ali­na and Tamer are mar­ried and know they will live hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter to­gether.

Lire la suite

Ju­lia had been search­ing for quite a long time to find the man of her dreams and then one morn­ing she re­ceived a mes­sage from Lau­ri to say that he had seen her in his dreams and now what lies ahead for them is their true destiny.

Lire la suite

Ju­lia knew that fate would bring her ‘other half to her and how right she was be­cause their first date was won­der­ful and now they are look­ing for­ward to de­vel­op­ing their re­la­tion­ship and be­com­ing clos­er and clos­er.

Lire la suite

Ele­na hoped by join­ing the dat­ing site that she would meet her one and on­ly and when she met Gerk­er in re­al life then she re­al­ly did be­gin to be­lieve that mir­a­cles do hap­pen and re­al gentle­men do ex­ist.

Lire la suite

As soon as they got to know each other on the in­ter­net, Na­talia and Mark knew they had lots in com­mon so it is no sur­prise that once they had met in re­al life, Na­talia knew she want­ed to al­ways be with Mark.

Lire la suite

Ta­mara and Za­za al­ready knew they liked each other but when they met in re­al life, their first date soon turned in­to a se­cond date be­cause they en­joyed their time to­gether so much.

Lire la suite

David be­lieves it was destiny that he met some­one who told him all about this site be­cause he soon found Eka­te­ri­na, they met in re­al life af­ter two days and have stayed to­gether ev­er since!

Lire la suite

Na­talia had al­most giv­en up hope of ev­er meet­ing any­one through the site un­til one day they ar­ranged for her to meet Bill and as soon as she saw him, she re­al­ized he was ev­ery­thing she had ev­er dreamt about.

Lire la suite

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