Julia and Lauri

Hello everyone,

I want to share the most unforgettable moments of my life with all the world. When you experience something so unbelievable you can’t keep that a secret and hide it from everybody. To begin with and for a long time, I had really great difficulty finding a true partner. And the biggest problems were mainly because of the emotional aspect of most of my relationships. There just wasn’t any tenderness, sincerity, or at least some attempt to understand me. If someone had told me a year ago that I would meet the man of my dreams, I’d never have believed it.

And so, I began my search! You may ask, was that easy? No! Many men who wrote to me just didn’t suit me and nor did I suit many! But one morning before I began work, I went to the site to check for mail and saw a letter from a handsome man. He wrote to say that I had probably dreamed about him and that he had definitely seen me in a dream. He knew I was his destiny! And our correspondence is just magical!

It is true happiness to find the person you are so good together with!

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