Terrance, California


I know no Russian or at least not very much. I have to qualify the latter because it was my second trip to Tver and I picked up some Russian inspite of myself. Behappy the agency is there to arrange "dates" with the special ladies that I had been emailing for about a year. There is no guarantee that any person will find you or them to be special enough to bind their relationship in marriage. Dating is a hard and difficult thing even at close distances let alone in different languages with different customs.

There is a lot of accomodating that must be performed before there is a synergy "marriage". I was very fortunate in that I met three beautiful and wonderful young ladies any one of whom I would have been proud to call my future wife. Correspondence had opened the door to communication but nothing means much when you actually get to meet these people.

I live 6000 miles away and a few words on the internet doesn't make up for one live session with you and her standing or sitting in each other's actual presence. One of those young ladies has consented to become my wife. She is now studying English and I am applying for a fiancee visa. Behappy supplied the interpreter and arranged the dates. The rest was up to us to find each other. I am not a "player".

Behappy is not an agency for sexual adventures. If you are seriously searching for a better half, I suggest Behappy2day. You have to be pretty serious about getting married if you fly halfway around the world. I was one of the lucky ones and I hope that you who are reading this will be just as lucky.

Sincerely yours,
Terrance from California
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