Juliya and Ramiz

This is the sto­ry of our pure love. I have to tell you that I am the hap­pi­est per­son alive. This was one of the best things I have ev­er done in my life.

First of all I want to say that I be­lieve in destiny. I got a let­ter and it was from him, the man of my sweet­est dreams. I looked at his pho­tos and felt like I was "at home". His eyes were like a mag­net! I did not ex­pect to fall in love with a man I found through the In­ter­net.

I knew from the be­gin­n­ing that he would be my fu­ture hus­band! We start­ed by chatt­ing here and soon he came to Ukraine and we spent a great time to­gether. Af­ter sev­er­al meet­ings I re­alised that I want­ed to spend the rest of my life with him!

We fi­nal­ly got mar­ried! It was like a fairy-tale! I plan to be the best wife in the world! And I know he will be the hap­pi­est man on this plan­et! I am to­tal­ly hap­py right now, be­cause my life is full of ro­mance, pas­sion, love and care!

I wish all of you love and hap­pi­ness!


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