Tommy and Jiali

Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age.

Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many years. He thought he might be alone for even longer un­til one day he joined our site and saw Jiali, He was re­al­ly excit­ed and could not wait to get to know her and talk to her. He told us he feels very lucky to have joined this site and found his bright star, Jiali.

Jiali is from Bei­jing Chi­na and had been search­ing for a se­ri­ous lov­ing man for a long time. Her daugh­ter al­ways thought that she should find love again and now she fi­nal­ly has got the chance by meet­ing Tom­my. She feels re­al­ly lucky and grate­ful. She will cher­ish him and love him with all her heart for­ev­er.

Now they are still hap­pi­ly dat­ing and their love sto­ry cont­in­ues…......

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