Natalia and Eulogius

I liked him from the first mo­ment when all I could see was his pho­to here. I had been alone for years and our meet­ing was a great chance to change ev­ery­thing in my life! I want­ed to find some­body who would sup­port and un­der­s­tand me.

We spent a long time chatt­ing here be­fore we ac­tu­al­ly met. While I was wait­ing for him to ar­rive, I felt the most ner­vous I had ev­er been. But then ev­ery­thing was great! We had a per­fect first date. I found my­self quick­ly falling in love with the most kind and in­ter­est­ing per­son that I'd ev­er met. It turned out that we had so much in com­mon. I was re­al­ly hap­py! I re­al­ized that this was fate.

I am so excit­ed about our next meet­ing. I know it will be amaz­ing be­cause we are still chatt­ing and now we are plan­n­ing our ro­man­tic week­end away in Paris! I am so hap­py to be with him! I am sure that ev­ery­body de­serves to BE HAP­PY!


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