John and Xiujuan

John and Xi­u­juan met on our site and now they are plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.

John has been lone­ly for a long time in NYC, USA. He had a big fam­i­ly with two grown-up kids. He had visit­ed Chi­na when he was quite young and ev­er since then had liked the coun­try and now he dreamed of meet­ing a beau­ti­ful Chi­nese wo­m­an. When he joined our site, he saw Xi­u­juan and was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tract­ed by her. He be­lieved it was love at first sight and they start­ed to chat and write to each other for one year. They some­times met in Chi­na and they gra­d­u­al­ly fell re­al­ly dee­p­ly in love.

Xi­u­juan, from Fushun in Chi­na, had been sin­gle for a few years. She joined this site and im­me­di­ate­ly spott­ed hand­some John. They start­ed to chat and get to know each other. She found John to be a re­al­ly sin­cere and faith­ful man, the sort of man she had been seek­ing for a long time. What re­al­ly sur­prised her was that John came to vis­it her to Chi­na from so far away and she was very moved and touched by John. She had found her Mr Right on our site.

Now they are plan­n­ing a wed­d­ing both in Chi­na and the USA.

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