Lera and Alan

I met the man who has made me hap­py here! And I want to tell you our love sto­ry!

At first I just looked at his pho­tos and dreamed about our first re­al date. Then I saw he was avai­l­able to chat to so I wrote to him just say­ing “Hel­lo, su­gar". I re­mem­ber that day so well. I am re­al­ly glad he has a great sense of hu­mour and re­plied to me. We chatt­ed for 3 hours. I was re­al­ly im­pressed how ro­man­tic he is. It was that day when I re­alised that my heart was ready to fall in love.

And then, af­ter a few months of vir­tu­al re­la­tion­ships we de­cid­ed to meet. We spent an amaz­ing two weeks to­gether in my home town! I plan to vis­it him in Aus­tralia. I am ready to meet his fam­i­ly.

Now I'm re­al­ly hap­py. He is the man of my dreams. He is per­fect for me and I am sure our life to­gether will be per­fect too!

I am sure you will find the wo­m­an here who will be able to make your life bet­ter too!


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