Rolly and Shan

This is Rol­ly from the USA. He had been on our dat­ing site for some time where he had met a few ladies. He had of­ten been to Chi­na to meet ladies and each time he visit­ed, he had a very good feel­ing about Chi­na and the peo­ple here. This con­vinced him to find a Chi­nese lady to be his part­n­er.

He said find­ing a Chi­nese lady was not easy be­cause when they first meet on the site they can­not have face to face com­mu­ni­ca­tion and they do not know each other’s lan­guage. So, be­cause of cul­tu­r­al and lan­guage dif­fer­ences, it was very hard for him but Rol­ly did not give up and then he met Shan. He knew then that all the dif­fi­cul­ties he had en­coun­tered had been worth it. Now he had met the right one to be with and he want­ed to mar­ry Shan.

He told us that al­though it is hard to find the right one, nev­er give up, you will find the per­fect match in the end - he is a very good ex­am­ple.

Shan shared her sto­ry with us too. She told us that in Chi­na, for a wo­m­an of her age, it is hard to start a new re­la­tion­ship. She had been sin­gle for ten years and she nev­er thought that she would get mar­ried again un­til now.

In her free time Shan liked to watch for­eign movies be­cause she likes west­ern cul­ture. Then one day one of her friends told her about a dat­ing site that could help her to find a part­n­er out­side of Chi­na so she thought about join­ing this site. She told us that there were so many young girls on the site that she felt she had no ad­van­tages but the staff en­cour­aged her to join. She says that she was very lucky be­cause af­ter on­ly a short time, Rol­ly wrote her a let­ter and so the love sto­ry be­gan. Af­ter a few months of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life with the help of the agen­cy staff.

They told us that even though the lan­guage bar­ri­er is a problem, they can face it to­gether. Love con­quers ev­ery­thing. Now they are mar­ried and live in Chi­na. They told us, nev­er give up hope in the search for your love.

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