Valeriya and Mahmoud

I don't re­al­ly know why but in my small town I could not find a man who I could love with all my heart. I nev­er thought I would find some­one so spe­cial on-line ei­ther. I know he was very sur­prised when I wrote to him and we be­gan to talk. I loved our time to­gether on-line. It was easy and in­ter­est­ing and so we talked for hours. And then we de­cid­ed to meet.

Again I was sur­prised that he ac­tu­al­ly came to Ukraine to meet me. I liked him and so very much want­ed to meet him in re­al life. This site helped us to or­ganize our first meet­ing and it was ab­so­lute­ly per­fect. We spent a won­der­ful time to­gether here in Ukraine. I liked our ro­man­tic dates! We found out that we had many things in com­mon.

I re­al­ly want to meet him again! I want to make him fall mad­ly in love with me. I feel that he is the man for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him!

I just want to tell you all to nev­er give up be­cause it does take a lit­tle time to find your destiny and your true love.


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