Alina and Dominique

I am so hap­py and I want to tell you the rea­son for my hap­pi­ness. We met on­line two months ago and spent some re­al­ly won­der­ful time to­gether. It was in­ter­est­ing to talk about dif­fer­ent things and to dream to­gether. And from that time we re­alised that we want­ed to be with each other. We both un­der­s­tood that it was destiny that had brought us to­gether.

He in­vit­ed me to vis­it him…. I de­cid­ed to take a chance. I bought a tick­et and packed my bags….

now I am in Paris! The most ro­man­tic ci­ty in the world! We are so hap­py and re­al­ly en­joy­ing our time to­gether.. I want to show you a few pic­tures and a video from my vis­it to Paris. My life has changed com­plete­ly. It's amaz­ing.

I'm sure that if we have suc­ceed­ed in find­ing such hap­pi­ness, you will do too!


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