Elena and Eril

My name is Ele­na, I am from Ukraine and I would like to share my ex­pe­ri­ence here with you. I want to en­cour­age any­one who doubts whether on­line dat­ing does or does not work.

First let me tell you why I came here to find a man. Ev­er since I was young I dreamt of trav­elling and vis­it­ing all six conti­nents of the plan­et. I would stand and look at the big map hang­ing on the wall of my room for a long time. I al­so read many books telling me about for­eign coun­tries and cul­tures, na­tio­n­al­i­ties and their tra­di­tions.

So, when my friend ad­vised me to join the dat­ing site and look for a man from abroad, I did not he­s­i­tate for very long! I joined this dat­ing site and al­most im­me­di­ate­ly got ac­quaint­ed with Er­il. He was from Turkey and he of­fered to come to meet me. I agreed and Er­il did not beat around the bush at all! He booked his tick­ets and flew to see me al­most the very next week­end.

We had an amaz­ing time, full of dif­fer­ent ac­tiv­i­ties. Ev­ery­thing was won­der­ful and we found out a lot about each other. I re­al­ly liked Er­il and I al­so felt he that liked me. It was all so per­fect un­til we touched on the sub­ject of re­li­gion. Er­il want­ed his fu­ture wife to be Mus­lim and asked me if I could change my re­li­gion. I could not an­sw­er right at that mo­ment as I need­ed time to think. Our meet­ing end­ed and Er­il went back home. He said he would un­der­s­tand if I re­fused. To change re­li­gion just for the sake of a beloved is not cor­rect. A per­son can on­ly change their re­li­gion af­ter they have learnt all about the new re­li­gion to dis­cov­er if it ful­fils that per­son’s in­n­er need. What do you think of my words?

I am not upset that our re­la­tion­ship end­ed like this. I know the love of my life is wait­ing for me in fu­ture so I am stay­ing here and will cont­in­ue my search.


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