Oksana and David

I have been mar­ried but we have since di­vorced. To be hon­est I was ex­treme­ly scep­ti­cal about on-line dat­ing but my daugh­ter told me about this ser­vice and helped me to sub­mit my pro­file. She helped me to be­lieve that I did still have a chance to find hap­pi­ness.

I met an in­ter­est­ing man quite quick­ly here. In his pro­file he wrote that he was ready for fam­i­ly life and want­ed to meet some­one for a se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship. We spent some time talk­ing on-line be­fore we ac­tu­al­ly met and when we did meet, we spent a per­fect week­end to­gether. I in­tro­duced him to my fam­i­ly and daugh­ter. I know they liked him very much!

I do not know what fu­ture holds for us but I hope that one day soon we will be able to wake up to­gether and go to bed to­gether with­out a com­put­er screen se­parat­ing us from each other!

I am so lucky and so grate­ful that he chose me!


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