Mianna and Han

Love is pow­er­ful and un­pre­dictable. I have al­ways be­lieved in this and had wait­ed for such a mo­ment to hap­pen in my life. And it did hap­pen. Maybe it was destiny be­cause I re­ceived the first let­ter on Va­len­tine's Day.

I even­tu­al­ly met the man of my dreams in re­al life but be­fore that we had been cor­re­spond­ing for al­most two months. We dis­cussed ev­ery­thing in our let­ters, they were full of sin­cer­i­ty and open­ness. We were hon­est with each other and ex­pressed ev­ery im­por­tant word and thought.

I re­ceived nine gor­geous ros­es as a pre­sent for Wo­m­en’s Day which was re­al­ly un­ex­pect­ed and ab­so­lute­ly fan­tas­tic!!! To be hon­est it made me feel that I was such a spe­cial and unique wo­m­an to Han.
We were ea­ger to see each other in re­al life and so, in the mid­dle of March, I met my beloved at the air­port. I felt all sorts of emo­tions - fear, hap­pi­ness, joy….. feel­ings that made me speech­less! We spent an un­for­gettable two days to­gether in Kiev.

We cont­in­ue to cor­re­spond and plan to spend a sum­mer va­ca­tion to­gether, some­where in Is­rael. We want to spend as much time to­gether as pos­si­ble. I’m the hap­pi­est wo­m­an alive and we are the hap­pi­est cou­ple in the world. I wish the same for you ))) Just be­lieve!!!


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