Eulogius and Irina

Hel­lo! I want to share my hap­pi­ness with you. I hope my sto­ry will be in­ter­est­ing for you to hear.

It was quite dif­fi­cult to find the right man with the same in­ter­ests and goals as my­self in my na­tive town. I tried to find such man in Ukraine but it was on­ly here that I found him!

Af­ter let­ters and chats, we fi­nal­ly met. We de­cid­ed to meet in my na­tive town, I knew he had visit­ed Pol­ta­va be­fore. It was great idea to see each other in re­al life. I think this is the best way to get to know each other. The on­ly thing I have to say is - he was amaz­ing! It was so great to fi­nal­ly hug him and see his smile in re­al life. Our con­ver­sa­tion came eas­i­ly and we talked about all sorts of things for hours.

This sum­mer I am go­ing to meet him again. We plan to go on va­ca­tion to­gether. I am sure it will be a very ro­man­tic trip that we will both en­joy. I hope that in the fu­ture we will be hap­py to­gether for­ev­er!!


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