Derrick and Julia

Ev­ery­one dreams about find­ing love! I am just the same. That’s why I came here and af­ter us­ing this site for a while, I met some­one very spe­cial. First of all I want­ed him to be­come my best friend. I think this is the best way to start any se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship. I want­ed my man to be not on­ly my lover, but al­so my part­n­er in ev­ery­thing and my clos­est friend.

We planned to meet for the very first time in my na­tive town… I was a lit­tle ner­vous but at the same time very excit­ed. I ar­rived on time and he was al­ready wait­ing for me in the lo­cal cafe.

From the very first mo­ment I couldn't be­lieve that my man was stand­ing in front me, he was so re­al and so close to me! Af­ter a cup of cof­fee we went for a walk. I want­ed to show him my favou­rite places in Pol­ta­va. We felt com­fort­able talk­ing about ev­ery­thing and noth­ing.

I thought I was liv­ing in a dream as I lis­tened to his love­ly voice. I felt so at ease with him and so hap­py that I couldn’t stop talk­ing and smil­ing. I liked him so much and I just didn't want this date to ev­er end.


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