Sam and Rui

Rui is a 36-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who is gener­ous, pas­sio­nate and cheer­ful and who loves do­ing house­work. She works as a sales ma­n­ag­er for a public com­pany and ev­ery­one around her prais­es her for her abil­i­ty. But, what she want­ed more than any­thing was to be with some­one she loved and who loved her. She had on­ly ev­er been in love twice and had nev­er mar­ried. Rui felt that the men who asked her out were shal­low and not se­ri­ous about a re­la­tion­ship. She want­ed to find a ma­ture, thought­ful man to be her part­n­er for life.

So, Rui signed up to the dat­ing site and, al­though she could speak En­glish so could com­mu­ni­cate flu­ent­ly, she still couldn't find the per­son she was look­ing for un­til she got to know Sam. Sam is 58 and lives in Hous­ton, Texas. Look­ing at Sam’s pro­file, Rui saw that he met her re­quire­ments for a part­n­er com­plete­ly so she took the ini­tia­tive to start to chat with him and, gra­d­u­al­ly, they fell in love.

In the face of true love, age is not a problem at all and, al­though there are 22 years be­tween them, in their minds and in their at­ti­tude, they are the same age. Even­tu­al­ly, they de­cid­ed to meet in per­son and Sam flew to Chi­na to find Rui. Af­ter meet­ing each other, they were even more cer­tain that they had each found their part­n­er for life.

Now they live to­gether very hap­pi­ly.

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