Xixi and Hasan

Xixi is from Chang­sha where she works as an En­glish teach­er for a school. She likes to try new things and be­lieves that love is amaz­ing.

Hasan is from the Philip­pines where he works as a driv­er. He says that be­­fore he met his Chi­­nese gir­l­friend, life was re­al­­ly qui­et.

They got to know each other through the dat­ing site. Hasan said he came across the site by ac­­ci­­dent and when he reg­is­tered, Xixi was the first girl he saw. Hasan said he is not rich, his salary bare­­ly cov­­ers his cost of liv­ing so even though he thought Xixi’s pho­­to was very beau­ti­­ful, he did not think she would like him. But, deep his deep heart, he felt so at­­trac­t­ed by Xixi he tried to con­­tact her and, to his sur­prise, she re­­plied and said it was OK for them to keep in touch and get to know each other first and that is how their love for each be­­gan. Af­ter a few months of cor­re­spon­­dence, when they met in re­al life, they fell in love in­­s­­tan­t­­ly and now they are dat­ing and things are go­ing re­al­­ly well be­tween them.

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