Larisa and Ron

First of all I want to say that I am the hap­pi­est per­son in the world! The rea­son for my hap­pi­ness is LOVE!

As you get old­er you look for re­al, true love. It is not al­ways easy to fall in love be­cause of your past re­la­tion­ship ex­pe­ri­ences but it is an amaz­ing feel­ing when you do find some­one who you want to make hap­py.

My goal was to meet my fu­ture hus­band through th­ese pages. It is not easy to meet some­one spe­cial, some­one whom you could to­tal­ly trust but I was lucky to meet my per­fect part­n­er. My hus­band and I met him in that most mod­ern of ways: on­line, on the In­ter­net. We had a lot of on-line con­ver­sa­tions, a few ro­man­tic dates and an amaz­ing va­ca­tion to­gether!

He want­ed me to I set­tle in the Unit­ed States for a bet­ter life. And I said YES! With my "Yes" I was say­ing good-bye to my old life and wel­com­ing my new hap­py life. I felt like I was on top of the world. Our wed­d­ing day was the hap­pi­est day of my life! Now we have a re­al fam­i­ly.


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