Marvin and Jing Wen

Mar­vin and Jing Wen start­ed talk­ing to each other on our web­site in 2014.

Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way since then. At first, Jing Wen didn’t even know how to speak En­glish so com­mu­ni­ca­tion was a huge deal back then. She knew that she could not re­ly on our trans­la­tors for­ev­er if she want­ed to be with Mar­vin so she start­ed to learn En­glish from scratch. She told us that En­glish was re­al­ly dif­fi­cult for her to learn but she still did it for Mar­vin and said it made her feel more con­nect­ed to him and what he had to say.

As for Mar­vin, he had a won­der­ful fam­i­ly life un­til sad­ly his wife passed away which tru­ly broke his heart and he was alone for a de­cade af­ter that. He told us that he had nev­er trust­ed on­line dat­ing but, when he did de­cide to give it a shot, he met Jing Wen and to­tal­ly fell in love with her. He said that she made him feel young again and very spe­cial. Ev­er since he lost his wife, he had nev­er felt this way about any­body. He didn’t want to miss the chance to be with this gor­geous stun­n­ing lady so he went to Chi­na and now they are mar­ried.

We hope they have a won­der­ful life to­gether and live hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter.

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