Derrick and Valeria

Look at me. How would I de­scribe my­self? In a few words, I am a dream­er and I do be­lieve that ev­ery dream can come true. I came here to find the love of my life. Sad­ly I had al­ways been un­lucky in love be­fore.

I have al­ways known what I want­ed to find.... that is why when I saw Der­rick for the first time I had a warm feel­ing in my heart. He is clev­er, at­trac­tive and has a great sense of hu­mor. We went on sev­er­al dates and I am sure he en­joyed ev­ery minute we spent to­gether. I know I did. He loved my home town and now he has one very spe­cial rea­son to come back here.

I am sure we can cre­ate an end­less, ro­man­tic and beau­ti­ful love sto­ry... Who knows maybe this is the year when ev­ery­thing changes in our lives for­ev­er. Do you be­lieve in destiny? I do!



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